Orphan Sponsorship Programme
Join us in sponsoring as many orphans as possible through teamwork, resilience, and plenty of laughter! As a group we will be taking part in a 7km Nuclear Obstacle course on Sunday 12th May 2024. Our team goal this year is to raise £7,000 which will be fully put towards sponsoring Orphans in war-torn countries.
Previously, United Relief with a team of 30+ volunteers we have raised in excess of £11,000 to sponsor 15+ orphans in countries such as Palestine, Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Bangladesh and Pakistan. This year we hope to do even better as we take on the 7km Nuclear Obstacle course again!
If you would like to also take part in this fundraiser and contribute to this programme, please sign up below.
100/100 Homeless Project
Statistically December is the most joyful and giving month of the year. However it is closely followed by January, the most depressing month of the year. The weather, the come down from the festive period and poor finances are but a few factors that affect us. Now take a moment to think of those living on the streets. Of those that don’t have family with them.
To help spread the festive joy, we are proud to announce the return of the United Relief 100/100 Homeless Project. The aim: To collect and purchase a range of necessities throughout the festive period in December and distribute these packs to the homeless in January.
There are multiple ways you can get involved -
1. You can donate to our JustGiving page. Any amount is appreciated! We will use these funds to purchase the items and create the packs for distribution.
2. You can get involved in our #JumperAndBlanket collection. We are aiming to collect as many pre-loved (but in good condition) jumpers and blankets as possible and include them in our distribution packs. You can also drop these off at one of our many drop off points.
3. You can get involved in the distribution of the packs. Come on, we can’t do it alone!

Refugee Crisis Project
This project involves visiting refugee camps in Europe and providing assistance with what is required at the time. This is an eye-opening experience giving volunteers the opportunity to directly help those in need.
Most recently we visited Calais in November, helping 200+ amount of refugees by providing them with water, hot drinks, hair cuts, games, sewing, bike repairs, food distributions, clothes distributions and company!
Next trip is currently planned for November 2024.
Register your interest by clicking the 'get involved' button!

The Necessities Package Campaign
August, 2018
After doing some research across charities in Surrey, United Relief created a list of products essential for homeless people. Individuals and groups in the community got together to contribute towards 30 packages. The packages consisted of water, caps, socks, tooth brushes and much more!

The Homeless Winter Project
December, 2018
With Christmas fast approaching United Relief launched its Winter Project, raising money in order to buy hats, scarfs, gloves and socks for homeless people. After the success of the first project, this event was spread across all of London as well as Surrey.
The Creation of the United Relief Committee Team
January, 2019
The New Year saw the team grow to ten members. Behind every leader and idea there must be a team that shares the same vision. Therefore having the right people was essential in the growth of the charity.

Local Foodbank Foodshop
March, 2019
With a global pandemic taking place, foodbanks were struggling to source certain essentials for their users. To help foodbanks overcome this problems, United Relief put together a list of items needed and distributed it across all platforms. The list consisted of the top 25 items desperately needed by the foodbanks. In order to make the food shop as easy as possible for the volunteers, United Relief offered collections every day of the week.
Fifa Kings Tournament
April, 2019
In order to raise some money for an event planned for in Ramadan, United Relief set up a fifa tournament . With over £150 raised, it was a great start for the project they were about to launch.

The Refugee Ramadan Campaign
May, 2019
When United Relief heard that Sufra foodbank & kitchen, a charity based in Wembley, were holding an Eid party for refugees, we got in contact and ensured that all refugees left with a gift at the end of this party. Due to the generous donations of people, United Relief were able to put together presents for 54 refugees. The charity members took care to make sure all refugees received presents appropriate to their age group and gender.
The 100/100 Homeless Project
August, 2019
The launch of the 100/100 homeless project was the biggest project undertaken by United Relied to date. The aim was to raise enough money to buy 100 sleeping bags for 100 homeless people. The deadline to raise the money was December in order to make sure the sleeping bags were distributed before Christmas.

The Tough Mudder Challenge
October, 2019
As part of 100/100 homeless project and the ‘make fundraising fun again’ initiative, a team of 11 volunteers was put together. All volunteers were required to raise a minimum of £90 in order take part in the challenge. The determination of the team was applaudable and in total rmanages to raise over £2000. The target was achieved after one just fundraising event and two months in advance of our original deadline of December!
5K Run
January, 2020
The start of the New Year saw United Relief take part in a 5K run in Windsor. The event didn’t require any fundraising. The main objective of taking part was to make sure volunteers enjoyed themselves, socialised and started the year off with a challenge that they wouldn’t usually do. Many volunteers highlighted that they wouldn’t usually enter a race but because United Relief were taking part, they felt more comfortable and entered too.

10K Run
February, 2020
After the success of the 5K run, United Relief arranged a 10K run but this time everyone who wanted to take part in the race were given the challenge of raising a minimum of £100. The funds raised were to go towards helping orphans/refugees during Ramadan. A total of £720 was raised by participants and volunteers for this campaign!
Iftaratmine Ramadan Challenge
May , 2020
United Relief created the catchy hashtag #iftatmine which encouraged volunteers to make Iftar (the evening dinner before breaking one's fast) for their family, tag 5 friends to do the same and donate £5 to the charity. The funds would go towards buying educational material for the children of Marzia Golden Manor (an Orphanage in Tanzania). The initial target was £500, which was quickly reached, so a second target of £700 was made and also achieved with the final amount totalling to £815. Despite iftar being an islamic concept, many non-Muslims enjoyed the idea and got involved.

10 Day Yemen Emergency Appeal
June , 2020
Yemen is facing the largest humanitarian crisis of our time. It’s facing; a war, an epidemic, a pandemic and famine all at the same time. As a result of this the United Relief team decided to launch a 10 day appeal to raise £500. They also pledged to match however much was raised! The money raised was donated to Saba Relief who are working on the ground in Yemen. The funds were used to purchase hygiene kits which are so important in controlling the spread of Coronavirus.
The 100/100 Homeless Project
October, 2020
October marked the launch of the annual 100/100 homeless project. This year the aim was to raise enough money so United Relief could create 100 Covid-19 Care Packages for 100 homeless people. These packages includes many essential products such as hand sanitisers, masks, bottled water etc. The project was broken down into 3 parts. The first part was the challenge to raise money for these packages, the second was creating the packages and the third was distributing the packages.

500km in 1 Day Cycle Challenge
November, 2020
As part of 100/100 homeless project and the ‘make fundraising fun again’ initiative, volunteers with a whole range of abilities messaged to take part in the challenge. Together the team had to achieve a target of 500km. All volunteers were required to raise a minimum of £90 in order take part in the challenge. After the successful completion on this challenge the money raised was used to create 100 Covid-19 Care Packages. Thanks to all the donations, United Relief were able to buy much more than 100 quantities on several of the items. Part 3, the final part of the project was the distribution of the packages. As a team United Relief decided to distribute to Sufra Foodbank & Kitchen, Nishkam Swat and Who is Hussain London.
12 Days of Awareness Campaign
December, 2020
United Relief decided to create a awareness campaign in the lead up to Christmas. Raising awareness to 12 topics we feel are important and should be raised. The signs and effects of some of these topics might be extremely easy to spot as we may come across it on a daily basis but then there is some which may go straight over our head as the signs are not so clear. The aim was to increase everyones understanding in a bitesize way. You can refer to our gallery for all our 12 Days of Awareness posts.

Friday Night Pizza W/ United Relief
January, 2021
With the highs of Christmas and New Year over, January is a month where there isn’t a lot to look forward to, especially whilst in the middle of a global pandemic. Given this and following on from the successful 100/100 Homeless Project at the end of last year, United Relief hosted a Pizza Night for numerous Homeless Shelters in Surrey. We hosted the event on Friday 29th January 2021.
We contacted multiple takeaways and set a target of £200 in order to provide a sufficient amount of Pizzas to be able to host the event.
This was United Reliefs first project of the year and with the publics help we ensured it was a successful one, by raising £250, purchasing 50 Pizza's and feeding 114 people!